Yellow padlock image Guide to this e-learning resource


  1. How do I find my way through the package?
  2. Where can I find information on changing the font size ?
  3. Why doesn't the teacher receive my email ?
  4. How can I change the crossword clues ?
  5. What is ... ?
  6. When is ... ?

How do I find my way through the package ?

You should follow the navigation buttons with the word next on to lead you through the lesson. Along the way, you can open up new browser windows with all sorts of information in about Data Protection. These can stay open, as you may want to refer to them to answer questions later on.

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Where can I find information on changing the font size ?

There is an accessibility page, which gives details of things you can do to make the pages more user friendly You will find a link to this at the bottom of each page.

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Why doesn't the teacher receive my email ?

The submit page will need to be altered for your teacher, it has a default email address in at the moment. To change this, open the page in Front Page, and double click on the submit button.  Update the email address, save the page and re-publish it.

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How can I change the crossword clues?

These have been produced using a package that is free to educators, called Hot Potato and is acknowledged in the Bibliography.  If you obtain a copy of this, you could edit the file DPXWORD.jcw which contains the current questions. This is located in a sub-folder of the web called hpot.

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What is ... ?

[This is the answer to the question.]

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When is ... ?

[This is the answer to the question.]

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David Gander, University of Greenwich.  Revised: May 27, 2004 . Requires Internet explorer 6 with JavaScript enabled